Staff Directory
- Administration
- Support Staff
- Counsellors
- Secondary
- Middle School
- Elementary
- Inclusive Education
- Information Technology
Name | Role | Phone # | |
Sean Hayes | Principal | 250-704-4979 ext. 81172 |
shayes |
Leah Mazzocchi | Vice-Principal | 250-479-7125 ext. 80776 |
lmazzocchi |
Support Staff
Name | Role | Phone # | |
Clerical - Royal Oak Campus | |||
Christina Ainey |
Accounts Secretary, Academic Partnership Assistant |
250-704-4979 ext. 81313 |
cainey |
Vacant | Counselling Secretary |
250-704-4979 ext. | |
Kim Colter | Registration | 250-704-4979 ext. 81149 |
kcolter |
Carol-Marie Crofton | Distance Education Secretary, Student Records, Transcripts | 250-704-4979 ext. 81080 |
ccrofton |
Kim Humphrey |
Registration | 250-704-4979 ext. 81331 |
khumphrey |
Heidi Nasgowitz | Admin Assistant | 250-704-4979 ext. 81896 |
hnasgowitz |
Marissa Sabyan | Distance Education Secretary, Reception | 250-704-4979 ext. 81950 |
msabyan |
Clerical - Beaver Lake Campus | |||
Julie B Jackson | Elementary & Middle School Secretary | 250-479-7125 ext. 81144 |
jjackson |
Barb Leslie |
Resources | 250-479-7125 ext. 81245 |
barbleslie |
Vacant | Learning Commons | 250-479-7125 ext. |
Name | Role | Phone # | |
Tasha Liberatore | 9-12 Counsellor/ Advisor | 250-704-4979 ext. 80583 |
tliberatore |
Michelle Shuck | 9-12 Counsellor/ Advisor | 250-704-4979 ext. 81143 |
mshuck |
Secondary 9-12
Name | Role | Phone # | |
Laura Blake | English | 250-704-4979 ext. 81146 |
lblake |
Conrad Carriere | Math | 250-704-4979 ext. 81096 |
ccarriere |
Pat Chambers | Social Studies, PE | 250-704-4979 ext. 80765 |
pchambers |
Rhiannon Cockayne | Biology, Work Experience, Partnership Advisor | 250-704-4979 ext. 81150 |
rcockayne |
Christa Cowie | Math & Science | 250-704-4979 ext. 81129 |
ccowie |
Darryl De Leeuw | Canadian Sport School | 250-704-4979 ext. 80654 |
ddeleeuw |
Erin Douglas | Biology | 250-704-4979 ext. 81221 |
edouglas |
Erin Egan | English | 250-704-4979 ext. 81109 |
eegan |
Chloe Faught | Humanities & Science | 250-704-4979 ext. 80688 |
cfaught |
Zac Gordon | English | 250-704-4979 ext. 81052 |
zgordon |
Tejinder Hari | Biology | 250-704-4979 ext. 80672 |
thari |
Sylvia Harrison-Vagle | Math | 250-704-4979 ext. 81155 |
sharrisonvagle |
Audrey Hayes | CLE & ELL | 250-704-4979 ext. 81119 |
ahayes |
Tom Ippen | English | 250-704-4979 ext. 81099 |
tippen |
Angela Kleine-Büning | German & Math | 250-704-4979 ext. 81148 |
akleinebuning |
Ashley Jones | Math | 250-704-4979 ext. 81510 |
ajones |
Holly Mair | CD Coordinator, Teacher-Librarian |
250-704-4979 ext. 81152 |
hmair |
Lia Michalski | Applied Design, Skills, and Technologies | 250-704-4979 ext. 80682 |
lmichalski |
Sally Morgan | English | 250-704-4979 ext. 81124 |
smorgan |
Rachel Morris | Social Studies 9 | 250-479-7125 ext. 81145 |
rmorris |
Erik Oinonen | PE, Psychology of Sport |
250-704-4979 ext. 81135 |
eoinonen |
Ally Poniedzielnik | Indigenous Support |
250-704-4979 ext. 81569 |
aponiedzielnik |
Kathleen Pugh | Physics |
250-704-4979 ext. 81126 |
kpugh |
David Rice | Chemistry, Math |
250-704-4979 ext. 81428 |
drice |
Tamara Stokes-Bennett | Transform Hockey Academy | 250-704-4979 ext. 81072 |
tstokesbennett |
Clint Surry | Chemistry |
250-704-4979 ext. 81122 |
csurry |
Mark Swiednicki | Math | 250-704-4979 ext. 81130 |
mswiednicki |
Josh Szczepanowski | Photography, English | 250-704-4979 ext. 81088 |
jszczepanowski |
Marlo Taylor | Biology, Math | 250-704-4979 ext. 81035 |
mtaylor |
Merida Zeindler | English 9 | 250-704-4979 ext. 81219 |
mzeindler |
Middle School 6-8
Name | Role | Phone # | |
Judy Backhaus | 250-479-7125 ext. 80555 |
jbackhaus |
Jolene Bales | Teacher-Librarian | 250-479-7125 ext. 81786 |
jbales |
Deanna Cottell | Grade 7 | 250-479-7125 ext. 80969 |
dcottell |
Dave Evans | Grade 6 |
250-479-7125 ext. 81132 |
devans |
Myra Lepp | Core French, Middle School Support | 250-479-7125 ext. 81467 |
mlepp |
Patsy McCarter | Grade 8 | 250-479-7125 ext. 81128 |
pmccarter |
Chris Swift-Fry | Transform Hockey Academy | 250-479-7125 ext.80345 |
cswiftfry |
Name | Role | Phone # | |
Kelsey Carrothers | Grade 4 & 5 | 250-479-7125 ext. 81729 |
kcarrothers |
Crystal Kerr | Grade 3 | 250-479-7125 ext. 81140 |
ckerr |
Devin McCullough | Grade 1 & 2 | 250-479-7125 ext. 81768 |
dmccullough |
Stephanie Ogden | Kindergarten & Grade 1 | 250-479-7125 ext. 81121 |
sogden |
Erin Young | Grade 4 & 5 |
250-479-7125 ext. 81147 |
eyoung |
Inclusive Education
Name | Phone # | |
Teachers | ||
Krista Belanger | 250-479-7125 ext. 81326 |
kristabelanger |
Jessica Morgan | 250-479-7125 ext. 81133 |
jmorgan |
Rachel Morris | 250-479-7125 ext. 81145 |
rmorris |
Karen Murphy | 250-704-4979 ext. 80557 |
kmurphy |
Cedar Payne | 250-704-4979 ext. 81328 |
cpayne |
Carli Swift-Fry | 250-479-7125 ext. 80546 |
carliswiftfry |
Elaine Ting | 250-479-7125 ext. 81123 |
eting |
Educational Assistants | ||
Kirsty Brown | 250-479-7125 ext. 81136 |
kbrown |
Dana Crow | 250-479-7125 ext. 81157 |
dcrow |
Sanjida Marium Hridi | 250-479-7125 ext. 82016 |
shridi |
Andrea Kopeck | 250-479-7125 ext. 81134 |
akopeck |
Jerry MacKinnon | 250-479-7125 ext. 81151 |
jmackinnon |
Melanie Spencer | 250-704-4979 ext. 80803 |
mspencer |
Information Technology
Name | Role | Phone # | |
Help Desk | Tech Support Ticket System | 250-652-7336 | helpdesk |
Bev Bastness | Online Learning Technology Coordinator | 250-704-4979 ext. 81137 |
bbastness |
Andy Ugro | Graphic Web Designer | 250-704-4979 ext. 80010 |
augro |