Contemporary Indigenous Studies 12


Holly Mair


Successful completion of Social Studies 10 is required.


In Contemporary Indigenous Studies 12 course we will explore various contemporary issues facing Indigenous communities in Canada. In exploring the issues that face Indigenous peoples today we will unpack the history behind how these problems came to be in the first place and we will look at the various solutions that are being put in place to move us forward towards reconciliation. Topics include working with Indigenous communities, the role Indigenous communities can play in combatting climate change, violence against Indigenous women and girls, ways to mend a fractured relationship with government and law enforcement and a final inquiry project on a contemporary topic of your choice. The course consists of five units that address the four big ideas of the curriculum.

The identities, worldviews, and languages of indigenous peoples are renewed, sustained, and transformed through their connection to the land.

  • Indigenous peoples are reclaiming mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being despite the continuing effects of colonialism.
  • Indigenous peoples continue to advocate and assert rights to self-determination.
  • Reconciliation requires all colonial societies to work together to foster healing and address injustices.

For each unit, there are many opportunities for students to practice their skills before submitting a major assignment or in the case where the student is already comfortable with the material, there is an opportunity to move forward. You analyze your needs and you set the pace. We help you achieve those goals!






Student-paced, online
Students will communicate with the teacher for support as needed.


5 Units
Total of 25 assignments:
1 Supervised test or Presentation


75% Coursework
25% Test or Presentation

BC Performance Standards


Zoom support sessions can be organized with the course teacher.


There is no textbook for this course.
Web camera required for proctored test or presentation.


Basic Technical Requirements

More Info

This course satisfies the requirements for a Social Studies 11 credit as well as the Ministry of Education's Indigenous-Focused Graduation Requirement credit.


This course has been based on the BC Curriculum document which can be found at:

We acknowledge and thank the W̱SÁNEĆ people on whose traditional territory we live, learn, and teach.

We are a public K - 12 school and a proud member of School District #63 (Saanich).